Creating New Administrator Logins

How do I invite additional administrators?

If you need additional colleagues to help manage a project using the platform, you can create additional Admin Accounts.

  1. Select the Users tab.
  2. Select Add New User.
  3. Provide the following information for your new Admin Account:
    • User Role = "Account Admin"
    • Display Name = your new admin's name
    • Email = your new admin's email address
    • Network (optional*) = if you would like your administrator to be limited to a specific network, choose a network from the dropdown
    • *If no Network is selected, this administrator will be able to access reporting for your entire project and add clinician users to any network.
  4. Click Save to confirm this user. An email will be sent to them with a link to setup their password.
  5. After saving your changes, a banner will appear at the top right corner with the message "User created successfully."