Creating New Clinician Users

How do I create new clinician accounts?

Follow the steps below to create a new Clinician User account.

  1. Select the Users tab.
  2. Select Add User.
  3. Select Clinician Login under the User Role dropdown. Then select which Network the clinician should be linked to.
  4. You can set up the Clinician Login to either be shared by multiple people or an individual user.
    1. To set up an account that will be shared by multiple people: move the Shared Login toggle to the right and provide a Display Name, Username, and Password. Make sure to confirm the Password. You may also include the Email(s) for all of the people who will be using this account but you are not required to do so.  If you do include email addresses they will receive an email that provides their credentials. If you choose not to do so then you will need to manually inform of their credentials.
    2. To set up an account that will be used by an individual user: keep the Shared Login toggle to the left and provide a Display Name and the clinician's email. An email will be sent to your user with a link to configure their own password. 
  5. After saving your changes, a banner will appear in the top right corner with the message "User created successfully."

What are the password requirements for clinician accounts?

Shared clinician accounts are designed to have simple and easy to remember passwords. These passwords are set by the account or network administrator issuing the account. 

Individual clinicians set their own password. Password requirements are communicated to users of individual clinician accounts during the password creation process. 

Where can I learn more? 

Want to learn more? Please check out three short videos to learn more here.