Enabling Patient Surveys

Note: This article is intended for administrators.

Do you support patient surveys?

Yes! Surveys can be enabled in your account on a per network basis. 

When a patient has finished watching all the videos that have been shared with them via a patient code, they can be prompted with a survey about:

  • The patient's video viewing experience (or Video Experience Questions)
  • The patient's interest in continuing the advance care planning process (or ACP Readiness Questions)
  • Whether the patient feels confident that their advance care planning wishes will be honored (or Patient Confidence Questions)

How long does a patient survey take to complete?

This survey can be up to 8 questions and lasts approximately 1-2 minutes.

How do I enable patient surveys for a network?

  1. Choose the Networks tab.
  2. Select the Network you would like to enable the Patient Survey(s) for.
  3. Enable the Show Patient Survey checkbox for the network to enable surveys. Once enabled, you can selectively control which categories of questions appear on patient surveys for a given network.
  4. Click Save to apply your changes.
  5. After saving your changes, a banner will appear at the top right corner with the message "Network updated successfully."