Deactivating & Reactivating Users

This article is intended for administrators.

You may need to deactivate users when someone leaves your organization or has a change of role. You can easily manage one or more users' access with a few clicks.

How do I deactivate a user?

  1. Sign in with your administrator account.
  2. Choose the Users tab.

  3. Check the box next to any user you would like to deactivate.
  4. Click the Actions drop down menu.
  5. Choose Deactivate Users.
  6. A message will appear asking if you are sure you want to deactivate this user. If you are certain that you want to deactivate this user, select "Deactivate Users".
  7. A banner will appear at the top right of the screen with the message "Action completed successfully!"

How do I reactivate a user?

  1. Sign in with your administrator account.
  2. Choose the Users tab.
  3. Check the box next to the user you would like to reactivate.

  4. Click the Actions drop down menu.

  5. Choose Activate Users.
  6. A message will appear asking if you are sure you want to activate this user, if you are certain that you want to reactivate this user, select "Activate Users".
  7. A banner will appear at the top right of the screen with the message "Action completed successfully!"

Do you support deleting users entirely?

We do not offer a hard deletion option for users. Deactivated users can no longer access My ACP Decisions web and mobile apps, but they remain in the system. We do this for a few reasons:

  • Users may have generated utilization data - this data will need to continue to appear in reporting.
  • Users may have created codes for patients that still may be in use.
  • Users may be deactivated by accident.
  • Users may return to the system and need to be reactivated.

If you need user accounts removed completely from the system, we can help. Please email with a request to remove specific usernames and we will work with you on a case-by-case basis to migrate utilization data and order history.

What happens when a deactivated user attempts to sign in?

  1. The user will see an error message on our sign in the screen saying that their account has been deactivated.

  2. We will send you and other administrators (of the same scope) an email alerting you that a previously deactivated user has attempted to sign in. It includes a link to the "Manage Users" feature so that you can take immediate action if needed.