Integrations Menu


We see tremendous value in integrating ACP Decisions' video tools into clinical workflows in a seamless fashion. By working with clinicians that use our videos as part of their workflows, we can identify opportunities for reducing extra clicks, unnecessary typing, and laborious navigation. We are constantly on the lookout to understand better ways to integrate each video decision aid and other content into clinical workflows.

This document explores the potential value of an integration at your organization. It will evolve as our organizational partners share more insights into their needs and objectives for integrating ACP Decisions' videos into their clinical workflows and EHR systems. We look forward to exploring integration objectives, simple models for integration, and possible integration points with you.

We look forward to your feedback to help us refine this document and identify additional opportunities for integration.

We have identified the following common clinical workflow objectives:

  1. Ordering content;
  2. Verifying that patients viewed ordered content; 
  3. Listing available videos;
  4. Redeeming patient codes within an organization's patient portal;
  5. Linking a code to a patient's EHR profile;
  6. Issuing a patient code from your system; and
  7. Merging utilization data from ACP Decisions with other reporting data  

Clinical workflows involving the videos can vary from organization to organization and can change over time.  Variations include ordering videos that are:

  1. Watched on an interactive TV system at the bedside;
  2. Watched via the My ACP Decisions website or ACP Tools mobile app (Android/IOS);  
  3. Shown by a navigator/nurse/aide/social worker/etc. as part of an ambulatory workflow; and
  4. Watched by patients and families at home using a simple code.

Some organizational partners have created standard video orders through clinical intervention, disease or language. 

We want to learn more about organization-specific objectives and create general capabilities to support the broadest of clinical workflow objectives. Please share your perspectives to help us provide a better platform for your important clinical work.

How does the My ACP Decisions system share content?

Healthcare professionals using My ACP Decisions can share content with patients using the following workflow:

  1. Clinician selects which content they would like to order for the patient;
  2. Clinician confirms the order; and
  3. Clinician provides a redemption code to the patient and/or family member.

Why would I want to integrate with an EMR system?

Healthcare professionals want to know what content has been ordered for a patient and if that content has been viewed by the patient and the patient's loved ones.

My ACP Decisions allows for the sharing of content without collecting PHI. It tracks and manages utilization using an ordering system, where each order provides a unique identifier.

If integrated with an EMR these order numbers can be paired with an identifiable patient record to provide more context around who is using the codes and content.

What information does an order number provide?

Each order provides the following information:

  • List of redemption code(s), their purposes, and when they were last used;
  • The list of content shared by the clinician; 
  • A means by which to share/reshare content; and  
  • A timeline of activity on how the content and codes are being used.

How can order information be linked to an EMR?

For a patient record within a EMR system save a reference to the order number(s) for a patient. This might look something like this:

Patient Record (Provided by the EMR System)
  • Order # 1234567890 (Complete)
  • Order # 0987654321 (Started)

Periodically, the EMR could fetch order details using each order number.

What tasks does the API support?

  • Listing resources available for ordering;
  • Creating an order;
  • Listing existing orders;
  • Adding additional redemption codes to an existing order; and
  • Redeeming a code and viewing its resources.

What do I need to do to learn more about a potential integration between My ACP Decisions and my EMR?

Please refer to our document entitled ACPD Systems Integration Questionnaire and then reach out to your IT Team and connect them with us!