July 2024: Release Notes

We kept working during the month of July. Thank you for your feedback on how we can better meet the needs of our organizational partners and the needs of the patients and families that they serve.

What's New in the My ACP Decisions Video Library

In July we released one new video in English --  🇺🇸 Palliative Care: An Introduction (Hawaii) as well as several Android Mobile App guides. 

The Latest Technology Platform Fixes & Enhancement

👷🔨Ongoing Infrastructure Update🔨👷

In July we:  

  • myACP Decisions Web Application: Added collection favorite functionality in development and in QA and deployed face-to-face survey functionality in production;
  • myACP Decisions API: Released: 1) fixes to the My Favorites functionality; and 2) a face-to-face translation fix;  
  • Android ACP Tools Application: Released: 1) a fix to legal pop ups to downloaded video content; 2) new translated video prompts; and 3) a new My Favorites feature in the mobile app;
  • Reporting, Data Management, & Analytics: Completed database updates towards upcoming new reporting functionality and survey prompts; &
  • Security: Released significant update to AWS ECs to achieve compliance.

We will continue to work improve our platform technology.  Thank you for your insights to help make us better!