June 2020 Release Notes

Hoping that you had a wonderful 4th of July weekend and that you and yours are still able to stay safe. Last month was another busy month -- here's what we've been up to!

New in the Content Library

We've developed 7 new pieces of content, mostly in Spanish. Check them out below.


  • COVID-19: Goals of Care (Extended) in Spanish
  • COVID-19: What it is and Ways to Prepare and Protect Yourself (Condensed) in Spanish
  • COVID-19: CPR in Spanish
  • COVID-19: Intubation & Breathing Machines in Spanish

Home Health Care Services

  • Home Health Care Services in Spanish

Decisions About Dialysis

  • For Older Adults Making Decisions About Dialysis in English

Breathing Machines

  • Compassionate Extubation

New on the Blog

Tips and Resources to Help Frontline Healthcare Workers Manage their Mental Well-Being During a Pandemic

(4 min read)

Have you read the latest?

"As a healthcare worker, you may experience clinically significant stress-related disorders, such as PTSD, secondary traumatic stress, or burnout due to chronic workplace stress and exposure to traumatic events during the coronavirus crisis ...."

Tips Advance Care Planning for Patients with Alzheimer's Disease  

(5 min read)

Check it out!

As a life-limiting condition, it can be a challenge to ensure dementia patients receive the palliative and end-of-life care that they would have chosen ..."

Technology Platform Updates

Last month we also added features and updates to make the ACP Decisions web app and ACP Tools app experience more accessible. 

That's all for now! Take care and stay tuned for next month's updates.

- The ACP Decisions Team