May 2020 Release Notes

Can you believe it's summer already? We hope that you and yours are still able to stay safe. May was a busy month -- here's what we've been up to!

New in the Content Library

We've developed 20 new pieces of content in English. Check them out below.


  • COVID-19 for Pre-Teens and Teens (Condensed)
  • COVID-19 for Pre-Teens and Teens (Extended)
  • COVID-19 for Kids
  • COVID-19: Goals of Care (Condensed)
  • COVID-19: Goals of Care (Extended)
  • COVID-19: CPR
  • COVID-19: Intubation & Breathing Machines


  • Flu Vaccine for Adults (Extended)
  • Flu Vaccine for Adults (Condensed) 
  • Pneumonia Vaccine for Adults 
  • Shingles Vaccine for Adults


  • Religion & Spirituality
  • Compassionate Extubation
  • CPR: Advanced Kidney Disease
  • Caregiver Academy: How to be a Health Care Proxy

New on the Blog

Why Palliative Care Teams are Vital During the COVID-19 Pandemic

(4 min read)

Have you read the latest?

"The COVID-19 crisis has shed new light on the critical role of palliative care teams. As hospital-based doctors and nurses deal with new and unanticipated ways of delivering medical care, palliative care clinicians are able to share their unique expertise to support patients, caregivers and providers..."

Technology Platform Updates

Here are a few major items we've crossed off of our list.

  • Fixed bugs related to searching, sorting, printing, and browsing content ✅
  • Added features and updates to make the ACP Decisions web app and ACP Tools app experience more accessible ✅
  • Upgraded to the newest version of PHP for updates in security, performance, and service ✅
  • Included support for iOS 13 on the ACP Tools iOS app ✅

That's all for now! Take care and stay tuned for next month's updates.

- The ACP Decisions Team