Common Terminology (Glossary of Terms)

My ACP Decisions

Account Admin

Account Admins have the highest possible level of permissions. Their abilities include:

  • Adding and editing users;
  • Assigning and featuring content;
  • Adding and editing networks; &
  • Reporting

Account Admins can control all aspects of the account across all Networks. They may sometimes be referred to as a "Project Administrator."  Other technology platforms may also call this type of user a "Super Admin" or "Super User".

Network Admin

Network Admins can perform any task an Account Admin can, but their scope of influence is limited to a specific Network within the account. They may also be referred to as "an administrator who is assigned to a Network."  Their scope of influence is to a network, but not the entire account. 

For example, consider an account that covers a 5-hospital system. The Account Administrator has created a network for each hospital, and has assigned a Network Administrator to each network = hospital.

Clinician Users: Shared or Individual Login

A Clinician Login is able to create orders and review reporting. These logins can be individual or shared. 

Individual Logins should be used by 1 person and will use that person's email address as his or her Username. The individual clinician is then responsible for setting their own password.  

Shared Logins can be used by multiple people and offer a simple username and password that is created by the Account Admin or Network Admin. The shared login approach is common at organizations that need to keep a whole department signed in or do not require individualized reporting.

Display Name

The Display Name appears in My ACP Decisions reports and reporting screens for each shared or individual Clinician Login.

In the example below, we see "Mohamed Ahmed" is signed in as the individual Clinician Login.


A Username is needed to sign into the platform. 

For a clinician using an individual Clinician Login, the Username will be his or her email address. For persons using a shared Clinician Login, the Username will be provided by the Account Admin or Network Admin.


Your organization's Account provides it with access to the ACP Decisions technology platform, and in turn, provides the means by which it allows others (e.g., clinicians, etc.) to have access to the platform for use as part of clinical care. If the license expires, access to all users in the expired Account is disabled.


Networks are a flexible way to place Users (both individual and shared logins) into groups. This can be useful for organizing teams, segmenting reports, and controlling the patient survey experience.  

For example, consider an account that covers a 5-hospital system. The Account Administrator has created a Network for each hospital, and has assigned a Network Administrator to each Network = hospital.


An order is created when a clinician needs to share content with a patient. Each order provides a unique identifying number. 

When an order is completed, a 4-digit alphanumeric code is generated that a patient can use to view their prescribed content. Additional codes can be added to a given order so that others (e.g. patient's loved one, proxy, etc.) can be provided with an opportunity to review the same content.

Code or Patient Code

Clinicians are able to order videos and documents for patients. When an order is completed, a 4-digit alphanumeric code is generated that a patient can use to view their prescribed content.

This code can be entered here or via the ACP Tools Mobile App.